
New Jersey "Ashtray State" Ad Campain

I moved to New Jersey in part because I could still legally order and receive less-expensive cigarettes over the Internet.

If they change the law in New Jersey I shall move elsewhere.

There are lots of things the government could compel me to do for my own good because it costs taxpayers money.

Tax the be-jesus out of fast food.

How about a "fat tax" on bacon?

Demerits for failing to wash one's hands after using public pay phones. It spreads the flu virus don't you know.

Government: get the heck out of my well-being.

If the government wants us to feel better as a nation, make us feel right, courageous and successful. And while you're at it, don't forget honorable and worthy.

Your news propaganda messages are transparent and not done well. Get a new propaganda minister.

Government attacks on journalists get us down. We can only hope that journalists Judy Miller and Matt Cooper have the balls & the backing to stay the course of protecting their sources, regardless of government-sponsored legal actions that threaten to send them to jail for their silence.

Deal with our water and how pandemics are detected. In 1993 403,000 Milwaukee residents got sick (vomiting, fever, diahhrea) when Milwaukee's water treatment gauges failed for short periods of time. How did anyone find out there was a problem? A pharmacist noticed a spike in sales of over-the-counter diahhrea medicine and made a phone call.

The flu kills 36,000 Americans annually.

Let us focus our resources on real & present threats.

Educate yourselves.

This book - in particular - changed my life:

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