Road Node 101 :: Update

Vlog News:
In the newest, coolest news, I'm vlogging with Markus Sandy and Dave Toole @ SpinFlow. Guess this is a disclosure. SpinXpress supports The Faux Press' endeavors in every way imaginable. In return, I support them. It's a marriage of aesthetics.
SpinFlow will have a debut soon. I'll let you know when they feel the site is ready to fly.
Notes About Road Node 101.
So much to say. First, some business.
Node 101 contributed $300 toward Node 101 / Meet the Vlogger / Vlogger Meetup events expenses from what it earned producing Vloggercon.
I've a responsibility to report how it was spent.
- $150 was spent on food for the Minnesota Vlogger Meetup. Video (including what we got for our money) here. Still await an invoice from Adam to ship to Schlomo for his records. While I told Adam that Node 101 would cover expenses up to $200 / event I hadn't really intended to spend this much on that one evening. Oops. That said, you'll see that Crow River Coffee made a pretty incredible spread for the 5 folks (not including the kids) that showed up.
- $150 was spent to feed folks at Off-the-grid Geek Camp.
More Road Node 101 Media Ripples:
Ryanne's take on Off-the-Grid Geek Camp at Robert's Montana hideout.
Scoble here and here.
On Road Node v. 2005 from Serra Shifflet.
Kevin Buckstiegel's take on Road Node's Chi-town stop.
David Meade tests cell phone auto posting through Blip during Road Node's Chi-town stop.
Play Quicktime Version
Faux Press Road Node 101
Howdy Jan... to much to watch in front of the computer... but extremely interesting stuff. I've mentioned this before, but I just love to hear vloggers interviewing and discussing topics of the day with other vloggers.
ReplyDeleteBTW, I call them "vloggersations" and have been slowly tagging them as such.
I don't know why, but I always feel there's a tremendous amount of intellectual conversation lacking on yahoo groups. It's just the format. It's so dry. You need to get people on skype, phone, or even better face to face and talking to one another.
BTW, I'm glad to hear you're hooking up with the Outhink / Spin Express group. They've done a tremendous amount for this space.
I think what I'm going to have to do is rip this MOV to mp3 format and put it on my iPod and listen to it a couple times while out for a ride tomorrow.
Speaking of which... it's 3am.
I must sleep.
GOod night,
Hey, Michael - we're on nearly opposite schedules!
ReplyDeleteDo you think I ought to have uploaded the mp3 separately for convenience? Interesting idea since it's mostly about the talk. At the same time, the images we created separately and apart were part of the journey of understanding how we worked together.
You know, unless you're concrned about bandwidth... which I don't see why you would be... I'd definitely post the mp3 in an enclosure in a seperate post. Give it the same title but add (mp3P
ReplyDeleteThe idea being that it's ubiquitous communications.
For example, I'm subscribed to your feed both in and in The videos get to wherever I watch videos, and the audio gets to my ipod and I end up listening to it while out riding or whever I listen to it at.
To me it's about being able to pleasantly engage and discover media whenever and wherever it's useful.
You might try with that new nokia toy of yours try mixing up audio and video posts more.
Just thoughts.
Peace, -Mike
My question about the workflow you suggest - a separate mp3 post for this kind of thing - is this: how will folks feel who subscribe through one aggregator, and would therefore receive all multimedia posted? To get both the video and audio might be percieved as burdonsome.
ReplyDeleteThat's a good point. I cannot speak for them... but it's of my opinion that these posts are so light and the viewing and listening tools so flexible that a little duplication really doesn't matter.
ReplyDeleteIf they are using a tool that aggregates both and not one or the other then it's easy enough to identify by either listening or viewing the title to just hit the next button.
I think the real issue is the time cost for you.
Gentle watchers/listeners?
ReplyDeletePerhaps a better choice might have been made regarding the format of this post - I might have made this an audio-only event - but it seemed important to feature our collaborative motion picture moments as part of the interview. If you don't watch the video, you don't get the full picture I'd hoped to portray. You still get a lot - granted - but not everything. Guess it's attention-span theater ticket inflation at work.
ReplyDeleteThere's a lot of video magic at work between us.
I hope folks take the time to allow it to seep in.
I think I've gotten carried away with testing out
ReplyDeleteNow responding in comments and getting responses in comments is just as easy as email.
It's very liberating.
As for my comments. I apologize. It was only in the spirit of experimentation that I suggest posting an alternative mp3.
The visuals are important... I was not suggesting an either or scenario, but BOTH. My point being that people might not experience it one way or the other, but both ways... because there's no "cost"... if they prefer not to catch it in one way or the other they can simply skip it.
Will check out that - sounds like a great facilitator of conversations. Figured you had something cool up your sleeve the way you knew when I posted a comment. Whoot.