Vloggercon Fashion::Vlog-wear for Geek Stars
Holy cannoli. Making this wee collaborative piece was a great meditation on the Vloggercon experience. As one who viewed the proceedings from behind a desk-load of decks, and between sessions, driven to recruit unsuspecting vloggers to man cameras, I didn't much get to josh around or listen.
Heard Michael Meiser say, "Community," and Schlomo [editor's translation] exhort us, "Fuck fear!"
"Fuck fear," is a new meditation, but turned around. It's 'heroism'. Wanna be in more touch with the heroic self.

Some Vloggercon Blues, sadness and frustration originated with a feeling of invisibility. Ego. Expectation. Ageing. Dislike of crowds and competition. Guess that's why the best social engagements center around participation: come together to create something that lasts. Creation keeps my mind off socializing. [shudder]
Fact is, smalltalk bores me, wastes my time. Don't much abide small questions. And besides, you only really get to understand character through action. I'm only interested in learning about character insofar as intimate contact with human beings is concerned. Otherwise, everybody's a star.
On another note, one could make a case that Vloggercon was for me a paid gig, once I slipped that $5000 Faux Press banner around the video mixing table, but that wasn't really the point. The banner ad was made years ago and its existance peaked in 2002 as part of a Williamsburg, Brooklyn, County of Kings, USA art show. Until Vloggercon, that was the only place it'd been seen, though I kept it rolled up in my car for all the years since. Just in case. It was never meant to be a real ad. The web site listed no longer exists, lapsed due to lack of funds - renew or eat - and it seemed the right thing for the faux press' web site not to exist. It exists in Google. Work for it.
That Vloggercon banner placement was a best effort at ruthlessness. Conference as canvas. I am a metaphrast (Example, Definition). My life-goal and gift-from-birth is to be water; to find the energy gaps and fill them.
In the process of making this episode, it became my honor to familiarize m'self with some new and talented still photographers as well as get to know more completely the work of a few people I already know and respect. It was a thrill and perhaps in the microformat, a way to dispell the Vloggercon Blues (I'm waiting for Vloggercon Blues the Song, yo.)
Somebody please explain why videoblogging is so intense. It is the Eros of creating that makes our hearts so hot for so many simultaneously. Eros, and finding a planet-wide community of folks who enjoy expressing themselves as I do, whereas all my life I felt darned near alone in the full expression of my talents and areas of interest.
You'll hear the fine musical work of Philip Clark in this short film. Not the first time I've stolen his work for a vid. Suppose it's another music video for his band, Control Change. The first music video is HERE.
The rest of the collaborators' Flickr links to vloggercon photos are linked below. Y'all got some marvelous shots. Thanks for sharing. What a pleasure it was working with and getting to know you through your eyes.
Madpos's photos
Search jennifer myronuk's photos
Cirne's photos
stylegoddess' photos
Zulma's photos
Yatta's photos
Digital Buddha's photos
Scobleizer's photos
Megonian's photos
Verdi's photos
Chuckumentary's photos
Josh Leo's photos
Ekai's photos
AllAboutGeorge's photos
ChrisHeuer's photos
SteveGarfield's photos
Missbhaven's photos
Soinso's photos
Starfire's photos
DanMelinger's photos
Mindcaster's photos
Completelyknown's photos
jdlassica's photos
Erin Nealey's photos
jeremiah_owyang's photos
cpainter's photos
kitykity's photos
Chris Ritke's photos
DMC500hats' photos
timmips' photos
dtlq's photos
Brian Oberkirch's photos
jozecuervo's photos
Ted Rheingold's photos
Bill Streeter's photos
Carl Weaver's photos
effin_peaz's photos
Bre Pettis' photos
Hamletphase's photos
Jachbla's photos
Bev Sykes' photos
Post Note: Neglected to add to the calculations the $5000 worth of advertising in the New York Times that Mike Dudas of Eyespot forked over by giving my number to Scott Kersner. That was sweet.
I loved this mix of images. Great job mixing it up and reminding us of all the fashions and good times. Oh and its cool you used some of my shots it was nice to see them added to the mix.
ReplyDeleteGreat meeting you at vloggercon!
Great meeting you too, Anthony. You've a great eye. So glad to have had your images from which to draw since I was too busy to shoot and camera-disabled to boot.
ReplyDeleteComments as fashion?!
ReplyDeleteI do believe Tyas has got it! [;-)
ReplyDeleteAha! Swordfight!
ReplyDeleteI loaded it onto my ipod before I left Schlomo's for the airport and promptly broke the screen. :P
Never fear though... luckily a backup on the iPod...as for the iPod... forget about it... it's just technology, be obsolete tomorrow anway.. but just sos yous knows it's just the screen... works well without it.. prolly cost me $40 - $80 to replace it.
Anywayz! Reall points... great vloggercon, great photos, great fashion, great music and above all great video!
Jan... I think we all feel a little invisible sometimes... but needless to say you're not invisible to me... i was suprised at how many people I knew going into vloggercon, but whopty doo... what really blew me away was the fascinating people I met. The entire thing really afirmed my belief in video blogging. Never having met any vloggers save one face to face and having so much expectation of vloggercon I was prepared to be let down... to not know anyone, to be invisible... to lurk... but it was perhaps the wildest, most spontaneous, conversational, and personal conference I've ever been too. Soo, soo many great people. And I still think that one of the best moments was looking over your shoulder as you edited some video and realizing not only "wow! is that cool", but also.. "wow! there's so much I don't know about... so much to learn, so many interesting people, stories, and so much creativity. I've never seen anything like it... and I've been around a the boom before, .com boom that is. It pleases me so much that this is SO much NOT like "that". It's a complete original! And I really do think it all comes down to the people driving it... not money, not business.. but creators. That's awesome and it makes all the difference in the world.
Above all you can see it in the impeccible fashion. :)
Disclaimer: Please disregard this entire comment... It's all nonensical ramblings... I've been up all night "catching up". Again. :)
Michael, you've shown that I've made your brain hot and your heat draws me toward you as moth to warmth and light.
ReplyDeleteThis is part of what MOVES us, inspires us to ACT.
My work has made you search, type, look, hear. There is no fucking higher compliment. None.
To connect on this level....yes....essentially human.
Essence = poetry.
I'm starting a series on collaboration through http://spinflow.org that will begin publication in the near future (God willing). It will also be an art experiment in open source economics.
Further, begin to plan a Node Trip the ultimate destination of which will be New Orleans. Aren't you in Chi-town? My hope is to cover Scoble's August Montana camp on the way down. Perhaps I hit you on the way out to Montana? Whaddya think?
I've not made a general announcement about the node trip yet, and just feeling my way through it, but I begin to get excited as opposed to scared shitless at throwing myself into the abyss with the hope that I will be sustained in that flight with a roof, food and life expenses covered.
It does does does make all the difference in the world.