
A Brief Meditation on Glamour

In the event it ever occurred to you to try being a background extra. . .

Thanks to Paul, who, while hurrying up to wait found this note and brought it to my attention.




  1. Yeah. Like Richard, I am disappointed. I figured that even though I rarely see celebrities, that I see extras living the high life all the time.

  2. yeah, i'll say... ugh. I can't wait to see the UK comedy on extras (the followup to The Office). Having experience as both an extra an a principal the best advice I can give is to bring stuff to read, write, record, etc. perhaps knit an RV cover or something. otherwise there are just too many "how long have we been doing this, when is lunch? when is overtime?" talk. I hope I get to work on the set with Jan soon! :)

  3. Funny you should say that, Zip-Zap, I was thinking exactly the same thing. You belong in front of the camera to be sure :)


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