
Stuff I'm Thinking About This Morning

[Craigs List Ad]
Gathering a brain trust for brainstorming a North New Jersey Interweb Broadcast of local news.

[Faux Press FreeSound Uploads]
Enjoying the positive response to recent sound effects uploads.

[Show in a Box]
Contemplate moving over to a WordPress / ShowinaBox site.

[Noodle Scars]
Bonnie & Lan are here through Monday.

[Local North New Jersey News - on the Interweb]

[$3,500 Video Résumé - NY Times]
More research.

[$3,500 Résumé in Action]
And more research. Not that impressed with what's up there. We can do much better.

“We live in an on-demand world where people want the most detailed information to make a decision, as well as the ability to make that decision quickly,” said Nicholas Murphy, 27, the co-founder of WorkBlast.com. The site, which made its debut last week, aims to help users create online video résumés. It also allows employers to videotape themselves so they can advertise to prospective employees.

The trainer Dr. Rawitt hired, Bill McGowan, is a former anchor, reporter and producer at ABC, and he specializes in the visumé— a two-and-a-half- minute visual résumé. He has created about a dozen in the last year, at a charge of $3,500 each.

Faux Press Line :: Do Not Cross

1 comment:

  1. The WorkBlast website just relaunched this week according to the company. It's the best site of it's kind I've seen, and after playing on the site for a bit, I have a feeling there is a lot more coming from the site. I'm curious to see what they do.


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