
Dixie Chicks: Shut Up & Sing Banned TV Commercial #2

If NBC and CW won't air ads for the Dixie Chicks' "Shut Up & Sing" the Faux Press will.

Calling all vloggers, yo.

"This is the second TV spot for the new movie "Dixie Chicks: Shut Up And Sing". This was also banned by NBC and CW. They are both rethinking their descisions. From The Weinstein Company." - text from Google Video.


  1. Link to the advertisement. Show what we can do.

  2. Yes, Mr. Slip, it's a good question to which I honestly believe you already know the answer. I hope Barbara Koppel has the balls to ask and answer the difficult questions.

    Can't imagine what it must have been like to have the corporate media attempt to destroy your means of living.




Whoa. Hey. Hi. Talk to me.