Ryanne & Jay::Scobleized & Revlogged!!!

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How flippin' cool is that? And a great interview, to boot. Ryanne's working with Technorati creating educational screencasts. Whoot.
Ryanne is HUNGRY! Feed 'er.
Love what Ryanne is Hungry is doing.
Epiphany #1 - I finally get the title of their page.
Epiphany #2 - An incident at work yesterday - whispered aloud - as the cameras were rolling between consecutive renderings of a scene - during total silence - the word, "Shit." Into that same silence a man by the name of T uttered: "I do not abide cussing on the set." Or words to that effect.
"This could be the end of my career," I think. Maybe. Maybe not.
Later sought T out. I begged on my knees for his forgiveness. Seriously. Sincerely.
Didn't tell him that the cause of my curse was having nearly fallen off a ladder while holding a fully extended pole. As I begged and T assented to forgiveness with a kindly open smile, he said, "I'm just trying to keep the air clean." I'm convert. I'm going to find the most interesting euphamisms for cussing that exist.
Here's Andy Bowers with the results of Slate Magazine's podcast contest on the best euphamisms for 'stupid'. Bullyfodder, while entertaining, makes me feel increasingly uncomfortable to witness. Would have benefitted more from a contest for the most inventive replacements for cussing.
"Keepin' the air clean."
You are what you consume.
You are what you consume.
You are what you consume.
Keepin' it clean, the brain is forced to be actively engaged in the process of audibly rendering dismay, fear, surprise and indeed the host of intense human emotion. Brain exercise is the benefit.
At the end of the night, T shook my hand - having graciously remembered my name - he said, similing deeply, "Jan. Welcome aboard," to which I replied, "Thanks, but I've only got my big toe on the runningboard."
Wish me luck.
Faux Press Road Node 101
Just stumbled on this. GREAT interview. I know I've mentioned this about a half dozen times, but this is the sort of stuff I love. Great interviews.
ReplyDeleteBTW, about the "vloggersations" group.
I originally defined vloggersations as "blogging, podcasting, or vlogging about videoblogging. But I like you're definition too. Let's keep it for now.
BTW, can you make sure i'm gifted with as many rights as possible on the mefeedia vloggersations group? We're still tweaking some issues with it.
Jay and Ryanne did a particularly fine job on this interview, for sure.
ReplyDeleteBTW, you've got all the rights God has over at mefeedia, dude.