
Faux Press Vlog: Nude DC

NB: Bronze images of human beings in situ.

Ever the accidental tourist, perhaps this is a grin toward our former U.S. Attorney General who - in all his political modesty - spent $8,000 to cover the nude "Spirit of Justice" statue in the D.O.J. rotunda.

The D.C. Mall is loaded with nudes.

I'm just saying.

"Free the nipple."

Music by Blossom Dearie.

Quicktime version.


  1. thats at the sculpture garden right?

  2. Yup! I particularly loved that part of the city.

    Wanted to film more architectural elements, unfortunately, my video cam battery died at the end of the garden walk - our second downtown stop. Then had to use the less-than-capacious cell phone video.

    Note to self: after next job, get a new camera battery. :(

  3. It doesn't suprise me that they spent $8000 to cover up a nude. This is the same administration that I expect to start burninng books anyday now.

  4. Hey Doug, I don't think they burn them any longer, the school board just makes the librarian quietly take offending books off the shelf, which is ever scarier.


Whoa. Hey. Hi. Talk to me.