
Racketeering & the Roman Catholic Church

Not long after the pedophile scandal broke it occured to me that the Roman Catholic Church might be prosecuted under the R.I.C.O. statutes.

I consulted with a former boss of mine - an attorney - and he directed me to findlaw.com, where I was able to read the statute and locate a couple of RICO suits that had already been filed.

These many crimes over time, their coverups, the coerced silencing and payoffs of witnesses, and yes, even a sort of murder (victims who took their own lives) qualifies what the RNC has done for prosecution under the Racketeer-Influenced and Corrupt Organization Act (Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act 18 USC Chapter 9).

Lawyers I know say that the attorneys general will never, ever indict the RNC. I say to indict the church and its bishops would serve justice. I say that with a large enough public outcry it can and will happen, in every state.

There's a lawyer in MN - Jeffrey Anderson - who's filed or is "of counsel" on at least four RICO-based lawsuits in several states. I've folowed his progress and kept an eye out for other lawsuits. Not much has happened lately.

Attorney Marcie A. Hamilton writes cogently on the subject. When I searched the findlaw.com site today for her, was not surprised to find that she's also addressed eminent domain.

Bottom line, it is the states' attorneys general who must file these lawsuits, preferably with the backing of the United States Attorney General.

Just today, I found a web site that has organized an online petition to the appropriate elected officials.

In the name of justice, I urge you to visit this site and sign this petition

I'm just saying.

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