
Documentary / Memoir = Living Theater

"Make a Love Sound" from The World's Longest Open Love Letter Artifact Poster Series I, 2000, ink and metal on canvas

The WLOLL Artifact Posters Series I came in two editions of twelve. The first was accomplished alone in the studio as I meditated upon the kind of woman I should like to become. The second edition was a collaboration with a friend whose aesthetic initially made me cringe. Let the judgment go. Focused instead on understanding our flowering friendship.

Began to see how forgiveness might feel in accepting what ever he might create as fruit of his man-womb.

"Make a love sound" is by far my favorite of the bunch - either edition. It remained on that telephone pole - my friend is expert at placement - for 3 or 4 months. I liked to see it there when I went for coffee. A continuing part of the meditation on love.

During this time I had the great good fortune to spend an afternoon with Judith Malina and dozens of her late husband's paintings.

In her sixties or seventies, Judith came bra-less to the interview in a long-sleeved net tee. So full of life and eros. I should be lucky to age with similar grace.

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